Conor Bezane is a music-meister who has written for MTV News, AOL, and VICE. He is a recovering bipolar addict who can be found digging through the crates at a local record store when he’s not attacking his keyboard, writing nonfiction. His first book, The Bipolar Addict, is available now on Amazon.
As the coronavirus rages on, it is extremely dangerous and enticing for recovering alcoholics like myself to pick up the bottle again. Alcohol has never been more popular. But for a select few, it is falling by the wayside.
My second mixtape all you coronvirus music maniacs. Throw a dance party in your living room! While we’re not as deep as we were in lockdown mode, many of us are indeed still sheltering in place. Cut a rug!
I was drunker than a frat boy at a jungle juice party. Lollapalooza 2011 revisited.
I’d like to encourage you to masturbate. What? Yeah I said it. Masturbate. Spank your monkey. Choke your chicken. Season your meatloaf. Butter your muffin. Give yourself a hand. Why? Because it’s healthy. Masturbation is great for your body and your mind. It can lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and reduce stress.
Deaths are piling up exponentially throughout the globe. Most of the country is on lockdown. And many of us are experiencing extreme claustrophobia and high anxiety. But a cohort of mentally ill Americans are doin’ just fine.
All of us are doing our part to help in our own unique way to lessen the blow of this lockdown. For musicians, who cant entertain you at a club or arena, it’s playing shows from their living rooms. Benjamin Gibbard is the hardest working man in music.
Even in ordinary times, I’ve been known to pump up the volume and dance around my apartment with glee. Now — in this time of lockdown — it’s your turn.
Pop culture is your friend during this pandemic. Escapism is important.
In the spring of 1995, I experienced my very first punk show. It was Rancid with the Lunachicks at the Metro in Chicago. I was 15. And in that crowd of about 1,000, I felt like I belonged. I had found my tribe. It was a moment that would transport me on a decades-long excursion, one that finds my punk rock heart still beating now and forever.
I never understood the absolute excitement and joy of politics until I became involved in Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign. This race is having incredible impact on both my mood disorder and my outlook on life.