Conor Bezane is a music-meister who has written for MTV News, AOL, and VICE. He is a recovering bipolar addict who can be found digging through the crates at a local record store when he’s not attacking his keyboard, writing nonfiction. His first book, The Bipolar Addict, is available now on Amazon.
New in theaters, Touched With Fire is an indie film starring Katie Holmes and Luke Kirby that tells the story of two bipolar poets in love. The acting isn’t great, and it isn’t horrible. It’s the script that’s the problem.
Ben Affleck fell off the wagon. After 12 years of sobriety, the Batman actor decided to imbibe again for his role in Gone Girl, playing a character who is hungover all the time. Affleck is an alcoholic. The Oscar-winner entered rehab in 2001 at the age of 31. Affleck battled alcoholism throughout the 1990s, culminating in his check-in to rehab at Promises, the same rehab that treated Robert Downey, Jr. Affleck was married to fellow Hollywood star Jennifer Garner, but she pulled the plug on the relationship, fed up with Ben’s drinking and gambling.
On this — the fourth anniversary of my sobriety — I’m proud to say that my bipolar family has grown in ways I couldn’t possibly imagine. Your support for me — on my blog, on Facebook, and elsewhere — has been the motivation I’ve needed to keep going.
Donald Trump remains an outlier when it comes to the issue of addiction. His stance is antiquated and obsolete. It’s pure hogwash, rhetoric of a bygone era.
Allie C. writes: If you could take away your bipolar and be “normal,” would you?
Norwegian artist Edvard Munch’s masterpiece The Scream is as iconic as The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, Guernica by Pablo Picasso, and The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí. It has been called “A Mona Lisa for our time.” And it was born out of a bipolar hallucination.
Addicts are negligent and neglectful derelicts who are to be castigated and marginalized in society. That’s 20th Century thinking. Bernie and Hillary — on the other hand — understand the mental health aspects of the disease of addiction as they voiced their opinions in Sunday’s Democratic debate.
Would you like to be held accountable for taking your meds? What if your doctor or your mom, for example, knew exactly if and when you took your pills? Yes, Big Brother is watching you, again.
Herring. Mackerel. Salmon. Halibut. Tuna. Swordfish. All of these types of fish contain what are called omega-3 fatty acids. Because of their biological importance to the brain, omega-3s just may be helpful in the treatment of bipolar depression.
Subjects in the study were randomly assigned to go on a 90-minute walk through nature in a quiet, leafy area of the Stanford campus. Or on the flipside, next to a noisy highway in Palo Alto, California. The nature walkers experienced lower levels of rumination and showed reduced activity in an area of the brain linked to risk for mental illness.